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Alis Volat Propriis means"She flies with her own wings."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

A very Merry Christmas to Everyone
I hope today is very special-spending time with your loved ones.

Wanted to share a wreath I made 
 Here is a close up of the music books I made
You can see the wreath form was wrapped with tea dyed music sheets.
I cut out each of those flowers and made each poinsettia.
Loved the added berries for dimension.
 Wanted to share the wreath I took to my dear neighbors.
It all started with this bag of greenery-I love when others share things they don't want anymore
Have a blessed day and hope you come back often.

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  1. This is so, so lovely, also luv that lol
    Have a Blessed Christmas with family and friends!!!
    lotsa luv

  2. Merry Christmas to you my dear friend!... sending lots of love your way, xoxo Julie Marie

  3. Dawn, the wreath is absolutely breath-taking!!! What a wonderful job you did putting it together!!!

    Merry Christmas to you my wonderful friend! I wish you and your family a very merry holiday filled with such love and blessing, and all the things you desire!!!

    Hugs, my friend!

  4. Wow - your music book wreath is


  5. That is an absolutely gorgeous Wreath Dawnie! How amazing!!!

    Just want to wish you a Happy Christmas to you and your family!

    Hope its a beautiful day filled with lots of love and laughter!

    Enjoy it xoxox

  6. That is gorgeous! Merry Christmas! Thinking of you and sending you a big happy holiday hug!


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