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Alis Volat Propriis means"She flies with her own wings."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tracy Weinzapfel Is My Guest Today

I am so excited to share a special guest today~ Tracy Weinzapfel.  Can you believe it? Oh yea Tracy is sharing some of her beautiful pieces with us today.
Here she is

What Art Means to Me
When Dawn asked me to be a guest blogger on her site I wondered what gems of information or tidbits of interest I could write about.  Today I was thinking about What Art Means to Me.  I am sure it takes on a different meaning for everyone and I am happy to share my thoughts....
Art is a way for me to express myself.  Like an musician puts words to a tune, I put colors and images to a canvas.  Art is an escape for me.  When life has its ups and downs the first place I go to is my art journal to put my mood and emotions to paper.  I used to think that the only and best time to create was when everything was OK in my world (which we know is rare as challenges do arise) but now I realize that it is in the toughest times that the emotions are at their rawest.  I find that flow or "zone" of creating so much easier when those challenges do arise.
Also, art has opened a world to me that I never knew I could engage in.  Friends are surprised to hear that in school I was shy and quiet.  Public speaking scared the heck out of me (oh the torment those speeches were).  Now I can stand in front of a class of 100 (sweating my rear off with nerves) but the Art I so dearly Love I can easily talk and share with others.  Also, I am LIVE every Monday on Ustream sharing the creative process LIVE in my art journal and that shy quiet Tracy is gone. Art opened up this amazing world of color and inspiration. 
Here are just some of my latest projects:
"Truth" - 14 X 11
"Live Live" - 11 X 14 Created LIVE on UStream HERE:

"Inspire" - 12 X 16

"Dream" - 16 X 20 Created Last Monday Night LIVE!

If you are not joining us Monday nights LIVE on Ustream than you are missing all the fun!! Most of these creations were created LIVE and the recordings can be seen HERE on my tw Studios Ustream Channel. We are LIVE every Monday night so please join us Monday nights truly are fun and the inspiring friendships that are growing from there are so great! Stay tuned for weekly challenges and a new kit I am working on which I am so excited about! For more information including event reminders "Like" Tracy Weinzapel Studios on Facebook

Thank you very much Dawn for asking me to be a guest blogger.  I believe there is an Artist in all of us.....finding out what it means to you is the secret.! ♥♥♥

Tracy Weinzapfel Studios

I am so thrilled that Tracy could share with all of us today, sharing these beautiful pieces
 THANK YOU  so much sweetie, your the best!!!
Won't you share some love today and show Tracy how much we enjoyed her visit.

 Have you entered my week # 4 Giveaway this week? It is Right Here

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  1. Thank you so much Dawn! Very sweet of you!

  2. Thank you for having Tracy, e love her and have so much fun when she has her classes we learn so much from her. And now I found you
    Thank you

  3. Thank you for having Tracy, e love her and have so much fun when she has her classes we learn so much from her. And now I found you
    Thank you

  4. So sorry it took me so long to get here! Tracy is amazing! Thanks, Dawn, for showcasing Tracy and her work here - I'm in awe! Tracy, I love your art. You are so talented! Thanks to you both for a great post!

  5. Love your work Tracy. Also love the way you put into words about art. Thank you Dawn and Tracy both.

  6. love, love, love the use of the flowers! all beeeeee utiful!

    hugs :)

  7. These are wonderful creations and I love what you sad about art changing your life. I will have to check out your UStream. So nice to meet you.

  8. you know the nicest people!!!!! great post.

    sorry i missed your call. where does the day go???? kids are on their way.

    later gator!

    hugs :)

  9. Wow Tracy art is beautiful! I love your them all but I really love your Inspire! Wow is all I can say. I hope to join you on UStream. Thanks so much for sharing AJ~


Thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate your visit.