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Alis Volat Propriis means"She flies with her own wings."

Monday, December 26, 2011

Who Still Writes Letters?

Come on I know not many people take the time to write a letter. Don't you wish it wasn't a lost way to correspond?
Around Christmas time I always have so many special people that do many nice things for me and my family.Nothing nicer then a special letter or message to thank them.
I decided to play around with a quick idea and decorate my paper and envelope.
I used  Purple Cows-Craft Geek-Stamp It.

There are four sets of stamps to use with the base unit, they are named by the seasons.
I mixed Winter and  Summer.

It was fun to mix and match to make my quick paper and Envelope
It is already to use with a handwritten message or I can type something up and print with my printer.
Do you still write letters?
post signature


  1. I don't write very many letters anymore. If I do they are very short to accompany a special occasion greeting card and are often typed. When I was in the Army I wrote very long letters, but it's been over 30 years and things like e-mail and arthritis came along to change the scenery of my life. Oh and then there's the glaucoma and macular degeneration that my parents have making large print a necessity. I love the stationery and matching envelopes that you made! I've never seen that Purple Cows stamping thing before. Pretty cool!

  2. I don't write as many as I'd like. I used to write letters all the time. I think I'll have to make it a point to do more.
    I love how your paper and envelope turned out. TFS.

  3. Pretty stationary! I like how you can mix those stamps. I really wish I wrote more letters. I usually intend to and then can't think of what to say so I end up with a card and a brief note.

  4. I still do both! I sometimes like to keep up with the old-fashion and personalized way of communication! LOL!

    Love your paper and envie set! Very pretty!

  5. Such pretty paper you created! I don't normally write letters but we do get them from DH's aunts so I plan on writing them back one of these days!


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