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Alis Volat Propriis means"She flies with her own wings."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day -My Gift To My Family & Me

Happy Valentine's Day my faithful friends and followers!!!
I am here to share a small gift I have chosen to give to my family and myself this Heart holiday.

Last Saturday was my last day of full time smoking..... ewww can you believe I am a smoker?
I have been a very big smoker on and off for years. I attempt to quit at least once or twice a year, but always seem to continue going back.

Now I must share with you that I KNOW all the Dangers of smoking!!! I have a degree in AODA, so please don't send me information or statistics. Frankly I  have always resented non-smokers and even well intentioned people telling me why I shouldn't smoke.

Anyone that has had an addiction to anything: cigerettes,alcohol, drugs, food you name it understands the pull it has on you. Maybe this is an excuse but it has been for me a tough challenge.

I won't say it has been easy or I will not continue to struggle with going back to the horrible habit but today I can say I have made it one week with only a handful of cigarettes smoked.
I am not going to be hard on myself for not being perfect or walking away without a small lapse. But each day is a new one and I will not give up on this goal

I have eaten every piece of candy I could get my hands on, I have sucked every type of hard candy or sucker to keep myself occupied. Drank more caffeine then a normal person should consume.I just want to get pass the shakes.
Now you know why I had such a hard time keeping Valentine gifts around.

These are the reasons I decided to make this decision this week and to continue to stick with it:





Bill & My Honey

Shane &Jennifer

Shane &Jennifer

Me & My Honey

I have so many reasons not to smoke...I don't want to miss any of their lives because I love them all so much and thank God everyday that he has blessed my life with all of them and my many dear friends.

Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day and count all your blessings today.


  1. Good for you Dawn!!! I personally have never smoked, but I am sure it is hard to stop once you have... (please don't resent me!) I would think any addiction would be hard to overcome, but you can do it! I am proud of you, and of course your reasons are all beautiful! Keep going! xoxo Julie Marie

  2. OMG!!! Way to go!!!! Woo hoo!!! I downloaded this app to my new phone... smoker thing, it tells me when I had my last cigarette and if I finally quit, which I hope I do after what happened on Feb 10th to me.... well then it will tell me exactly how many cigs I have avoided and how much money I saved. I find I am having to keep resetting it... but it helps to know hey I had my last cig two hours ago.

  3. Good luck to you. I truly hope you succeed!

  4. Wow! Congratulations on quitting smoking! That is a HUGE undertaking. Thanks for sharing the real reasons why we should all tackle our addictions and let go of them once and for all. You have inspired me too!
    Thanks, Karen :-)

  5. Good for you Dawn, keep at it! It surely is a tough habit to break but I know you can do it with a bit of help from your (blogging) friends. You will feel so much better and be better off in the long run. Just take it one day at a time!

  6. Good for you Dawn, both my parents are hard smokers since they were both 14, and are 60 this year. And they said they have no intention of quitting.

    Good on you for being strong. and Best of Luck with it all!!!

  7. girl! i am very proud of you. i gave it up 34 yrs ago and never looked back. it's hard. and i'm here if you want to chat ( i promise not to lecture! you have a beautiful family and i just know they are very proud of u 2!

    big hugs & squeezes!

  8. YAH! I am so happy for you and proud of you too!! :)
    I know what you mean...addictions are hard to quit but I have faith you can do it! Don't be hard on yourself if you fall off the wagon though. Just jump back on the horse...look at your beautiful family to remind yourself of why you are doing this and try again!! :)
    Best wishes my friend!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Best wishes with kicking the habit. You have all the right reasons, most importantly yourself. I learned at a weight watchers meeting once that if you were cleaning your house and broke a vase, you wouldn't go around and break all the other vases in the house. The same goes for any habit that you are trying to quit.

  10. What a blessing to give this gift to yourself and your family. I wish you nothing but the best!

  11. This is AWESOME Dawn! I had no idea you were a smoker....(I am too). Sorry to say, but yes. And most people are VERY surprised to hear that I do...I'm very ashamed of it actually. I started many moons ago after my son was born. I've quit off and on over the year to no success. I know people who do, and people who never have...and I'll tell ya...those that never have seem to not understand the grip, the control it has over is an addiction. A chemical, physical (hand-to-mouth) and emotional addiction. I have cut-back to maybe 10 a day...and am hoping that I will completely quit by my birthday in April.

    YOU GO GIRL!!! I am soooooooo proud of you for trying! You have a beautiful family there and am sure that they are a wonderful support-system as well. Best wishes, and hey.....if you EVER want to talk/vent or whatever...please send me an email!! **hugs** ~Cheryl

  12. Hi Sweetie! Oh Dawn, I love this post so much!! You have such a gorgeous family!! I am so happy you have decided to quit smoking!! I quit when I was pregnant for my first. It was soooo hard!! I smoked a pack a day and then had to quit cold turkey. I totally understand what you are going through!! You can do it!!!! It WILL get easier :):)
    Big Hugs,


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